
Tampa Ranked #1 in "Solar Builder" Category

Tampa is the top "Solar Builder" ranking #1 in this category of the 66 cities surveyed in the "Shining Cities 2017" report written by Frontier Group and the Environment America Research & Policy Center for those cities with between 5 and 25 watts of installed solar PV capacity per person.  The complete report can be downloaded by clicking here or on the post title.

This is solid recognition of the continuing promise of this region and Florida to develop into a "Solar Leader" or even a "Solar Star."  However, in terms of total installed Solar PV on the ground, we have a long way to go to catch-up with the west coast!  Jacksonville leads the State of Florida with 25 MW of total installed Solar PV capacity followed by Tampa at 9 MW.  Not so much in the total scheme of all things "Solar."  Let us know your thoughts regarding how we become that "Solar Leader" or "Solar Star."

EPA Rescinds Effluent Limitations Guidelines Rule

As reported by Power Magazine, the EPA will review and reconsider revisions to the technology-based effluent limitations guidelines (ELG) and standards finalized by the Obama administration in September 2015.  Industry groups claim that the costs of compliance were grossly underestimated by the EPA, and that the rule would cause regulatory burdens, forcing plant closures and having a negative impact on jobs.  What do you think?

To read the read more, click here for the article or click on the post title above.